(Alternate crops for health and nutritional security)

September 9 - 12, 2024

Organised by

The Assam Royal Global University, Guwahati, Assam, India

in collaboration with

NECTAR, Government of India, New Delhi, and Meghalaya Farmers Empowerment Commission (MFEC), Govt. of Meghalaya, Shillong

Technical Programme
September 09, 2024
08:00-09:30 hoursRegistration of delegates
09:30-11:00 hoursInaugural Session
11:00 - 1:30hours  High Tea
11:30 - 13:00 hours Technical Session I:Alternate crops for health and nutritional security
Plenary Lecture:
Speaker: Prof. Chittaranjan Kole, Ex-Director of Research, Institute of Nutraceutical Research, Clemson University, USA
Dr. T. Satyavathi, Director, ICAR-National Millets Research Institute, Hyderabad
Oral presentations
13:00 - 14:00 hours Lunch
14:00 - 16:00 hoursTechnical Session -II Diversity of Alternate crops
Plenary Lecture:
Speaker: Dr. Jawaharlal Karihaloo, Former Coordinator, Asia Pacific Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology.New Delhi, India
Invited lecture:
Speaker: Dr. Subash Babu, ICAR-IARI, PUSA, New Delhi
Oral Presentations:
16:00 - 16:15 hours Coffee/ Tea Break & Discussions
16:15 - 17:00 hoursSpecial Lecture:
Speaker: Prof. Kadambot Siddique,Hackett Professor of Agriculture Chair and Director, UWA Institute of Agriculture,University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
19:00 hours Onwards 1. Felicitation of Prof. Chittaranjan Kole and Prof. Ivan Kreft with Lifetime Achievement awards
2. Cultural evening followed by Dinner
September 10, 2024
09:30 -11:30 hoursTechnical session-II : Breeding barriers in alternate crops
Keynote lecture:
Speaker: Dr. Bal Krishna Joshi, NAGRC, Kathmandu, Nepal
Invited lectures:
Speakers: Prof. Manoj Prasad, Delhi University, Delhi & Adjunct Professor, University of Hyderabad, India
Dr. J. C. Rana, National Coordinator, Bioversity International, New Delhi
Oral presentations:
11:30 - 11:45 hoursCoffee / Tea Break
11:45 -13:30 hoursTechnical session -III: Value addition in alternate crops
Keynote lecture:
Speaker: Prof. Bidyut Sharma, Director, DBT-North East Centre for Agricultural Biotechnology, AAU, Jorhat
Invited lectures:
Speakers: Prof. Manoj Dhar, Director, Director, CSIR- AcCSIR, New Delhi
Prof. Wricha Tyagi, International Crops Research Inst. for Semi Arid Tropics, Hyderabad
Oral presentations:
13:30 - 14:15 hoursLunch
14:15 - 16:45 hoursTechnical session -IV: Entrepreneurship with alternate crops and Foods
Presentation by Meghalaya Farmers (empowerment) commission, Govt of Meghalaya
Display of value-added foods developed from alternate crops
Interactive session with farmers
16:45 - 17:00 hoursCoffee/Tea break and Poster Display
17:00 - 17:45 hoursSpecial Lecture:
Speaker: Dr. Autar Mattoo, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, USDA, USA
19:30 hours onwards Cultural program followed by Dinner
September 11, 2024
09:30 - 11:30 hoursTechnical session V: Alternate crops as “Smart Foods”
Keynote lecture:
Speaker: Prof. Tatsuro Suzuki, NARO, Tsukuba, Japan
Invited lectures:
Speakers: Prof. Rakhee Chaturvedi, IIT, Guwahati
Prof. S. K. Barik, NEHU, Shillong
Oral presentations
11:30 - 11:45 hours Coffee/ Tea Break and Discussions
11.30-13:00 hoursTechnical Session VI: Accelerating the domestication of alternate crops
Keynote lecture:
Speaker: Prof. Zhou Meilliang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
Invited lectures:
Speaker: Dr. Sushil Subedi, Agriculture Research Station, Vijaynagar, Nepal
Dr. Muthumaralisaran, University of Hyderabad, India
Oral presentations
13:00 - 14:00LUNCH
14:00 -15:30Technical Session VII:Climate resilience traits in alternate crops
Keynote lecture:
Speaker: Prof. Ashwani Pareekh, Director, DBT-NABI, Punjab & Adjunct Professor, University of Western Australia, Australia
Invited lectures:
Speakers: Prof. Mateja Germ, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Blanka Vomberger, Centre for Food Technology, Maribor, Slovenia
Oral presentations
15:30 - 16:30Tea/ Coffee Break and Poster display
16:30 - 17:15 hoursSpecial lecture
Speaker: Prof. Umesh Reddy,West Virginia State University, USA
17:30 onwardsSunset Cruise over River Brahmaputra followed by Dinner
September 12, 2024
09:30-10:30 hours General Assembly of the delegates
10:30-11:30 hoursValedictory function
11.30-12:00 hoursHigh tea
12:00 hours onwardsSight seeing